Installation instructions

Clone the repository

Using the console, navigate to the root directory in which your projects live and clone this project’s repository:

$ git clone
$ cd poznaj-backend

You may also wish to fork the repository on GitHub and clone the resultant personal fork. This is advised if you are going to be doing development on poznaj-backend and contributing to the project.

There are two ways to install poznaj-backend:

It is recommended to use docker for local development.

Stand-alone installation

These instructions are specific to Ubuntu Linux but will be similar for other UNIX-based systems.

  1. Install PostgreSQL:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
  1. Create database and user:
$ su - postgres
$ psql
  1. Install virtualenv to be able to create a local environment for your server:
$ pip install virtualenv
  1. Create your virtual environment:
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 ~/.virtualenvs/poznaj-backend

Make sure that you have python 3 installed as we are using this version.

  1. Activate your environment:
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/poznaj-backend/bin/activate
  1. Install local and test requirements:
(poznaj-backend) $ pip install -r requirements/local.txt
(poznaj-backend) $ pip install -r requirements/test.txt
  1. Install autoenv and put there:
$ cat .env
  1. Then run server via:
(poznaj-backend) $ python migrate
(poznaj-backend) $ python runserver
  1. To run tests use
(poznaj-backend) $ pip install tox
(poznaj-backend) $ tox

Docker-based installation

We are using docker and docker compose to develop code locally. Before you run any commands below please make sure that you have docker installed via this instructions. As you have installed docker install docker-compose

(poznaj-backend)$ pip install docker-compose

After this setup you are ready to go! First run application:

$ make build
$ make run

Then make migrations:

$ make make-migrations

And migrate:

$ make migrate

To create superuser use:

$ docker-compose run django python createsuperuser

To run test (after you run make run) use:

$ make test